Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where has summer gone?

Hello friends! It has been a relatively quiet summer. Here's what I've been up to:

  • Girls Rock Vegas camp. 5 days, 40 girls, 20+ volunteers, and enough guitars/basses/drums for all of them!
  • Zion National Park with Steve's family
  • My first quilt, which has been cut but not sewn
  • Actively searching for a new home with my awesome realtor

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reckless Abandon

... and it is with this reckless abandon that I am splurging on a week-long vacation/road trip through Utah with Steve's family. I realize that Zion is a National Park, but holy cow, hotels there are expensive! Almost as much as in San Diego or Chicago or other expensive hotel cities. I got my flight at twice the normal cost, and I could only find a room for one of the two nights at Zion; everything was sold out! I couldn't figure out why until I realized that it is a HOLIDAY WEEKEND (in Utah).

That's right friends, Utah is celebrating Pioneer Day. Of course I'm grateful for our Pioneer ancestors and their brave and gallant trek across the country... I just wish that it wasn't so expensive to travel to Utah during this state-specific holiday.

Luckily this out-of-town excursion coincides perfectly with my realtor's vacation, so it won't impair my house-buying abilities at all. Staying in town due to real estate emergencies has been trying.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summertime Blues

This is the first summer since I started teaching that I haven't been able to leave town. Not even once. A nice opportunity came up to meet up with Steve on his family vacation with his parents and brother's family. His brother's family is driving through Vegas on their way to Zion, and I could have caught a ride up there with them. However, between paying for two nights of hotel near Zion National Park on a holiday weekend, plus a pricey flight home from Salt Lake City, it is just completely out the realm of affordability right now. It isn't like $300 is that much money, but to me, that's a credit card payment/2 months of student loan payments/half a mortgage payment.

Boohoo, right? I'm really frustrated because I work so hard all year, I'm financially supporting my mom, and I deserve just a few days to relax on vacation. During the school year, it is impossible to take time off (I don't get any personal days). Here I have eight weeks of vacation, and I'm stuck at home in a house where my mom watches Korean drama DVDs 16+hours a day while chainsmoking.

I seriously can't take this anymore. I need to get out of town. I need to be able to spend some time/money on myself for once.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

To Avoid Confusion...

Thanks Jessica W. for pointing this out: http://heatherbay.blogpot.com/

Yah, for future reference, "heatherbay" *dot* blogPOT is definitely NOT my website.

Also for future reference, my blog is NOT a:
"MEGA-SITE of BiblechurchChristian & religious info, & studies. Easy to navigate
If YOU have ANY concern about your future on earth + eternity, it is critical you read this page."

Yah, if you have concern about your future on Earth, I'm really not the person to talk about it with. Um, so, (uncomfortable silence)... yah.