Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh, the Mayflower...


I've had my pink Motorola razor for three years now. Well, that's not entirely true. My current phone was a replacement for the one I mysteriously lost in the Vegas Verdes parking lot one morning before work. Embarrassingly, the default ringtone was the theme song from "M*A*S*H," and the wallpaper was this hot pic of Alan Alda:
Honestly, I was more worried that someone might find that phone and track it back to me. I just really like M*A*S*H, okay?

Anyway, I confess that I've been untrue to my pink razor- I've been contemplating an upgrade to an iPhone; those dang apps are so appealing!!! I even went so far as to download an AT&T checklist for switching wireless carriers. 

But every time I think about going through with it, I think about how much I really do like the pink razor. Its so adorable how it desperately tries to keep up with the texting prowess of my friends' fancy qwerty keyboard phones. It even remembers weird random words that I text and it spits them out as I clumsily maneuver the keys. I love my ringtones, the Barbie-pink color, and I even love how the battery falls out of the phone every time I drop it (even on carpet).

Why fix it if it ain't broken?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our first hate mail!

Today is a milestone because Girls Rock Vegas has just gotten our very first hate mail! I've taken the liberty of highlighting the mistakes in red and making a few corrections, just like I would do for my students.

you go to the bar and you have Lady's night(.) of course you drink free, an next stop is one of the many Lady's only work out areas, and then off to the "friend of the court(--) a place that takes all the husband(')s monie, and now a place for Lady's to play instruments together so they fell empowered.
My daughter plays
guitar(.) she think people like you make woman look weak and I agrey(.)
Everyone has
issues(.) get over it(.)
And I love woman(.) have  a wife an 3 daughters(.) thay are all just fine so please dont tell me I have a chip on my sholder.

No dude, I wouldn't worry about having a chip on your shoulder. I would, however, worry about your lack of writing skills. Seriously, I teach third grade and my students hand in better work than this. 

I think people who write nasty hater emails at 7am with multiple spelling and grammatical errors look weak.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Misogynist City Employee

Yesterday afternoon, we went down to the City of Las Vegas Financial and Business office on 400 Stewart Street in downtown Las Vegas to inquire about getting a business permit for Girls Rock Vegas. I explained that Girls Rock Vegas is just a 5-day summer camp for girls, ages 9-17.

When I expressed frustration about the immense cost of filing fees (nearly $1,000), this was the Business License Technician (ie: pinchy-faced clerk)'s sarcastic response:

"Why don't you just have a little bake sale or something?"

Really? REALLY? A "little bake sale"? Would he have had that same response to a motorcycle enthusiast club or a retail porn business? Probably not.


Saturday, April 04, 2009

Pleeeeease help us out!

Hello friends! Yes, I'm posting about Girls Rock Vegas Camp again. We found a donor who is willing to match whatever funds we generate in the next week. So whatever money we generate, they will double it! Even small donations, like $5 or $10 will help. Every dollar we generate is going right back into the hands of girls who need the gift of ROCK AND ROLL. 

Please help!!!

This is a fundraising video from the Portland camp. You can help end rocklessness in here in Vegas with a small donation of $5 or $10 by clicking on our safe & secure Paypal link. Every dollar makes a difference!