Thanks, Racheal. This is awesome.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I love stuff like this. Not sure what that says about me...
Posted by
Heather Bay
10:31 PM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Dear Geocities & Yahoo... YOU SUCK
Posted by
Heather Bay
12:59 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Three weeks have passed...
I've spent the last three weeks among the 5th graders, and this is what I've learned:
1. 5th graders don't care about cutesy bulletin boards. Not even a little bit. The hours and hours you spent making sure everything was perfect? Not even noticed. You might as well forego the butcher paper and fabric and cutesy laminated cut outs.
2. 5th grade boys try to act tough. They think its cool to act like gangstas/pimps/thugs (at least where I work). This must be nipped in the bud ASAP.
3. Rites of passage seem to include: starting to wear deodorant, leg hair/shaving leg hair, training bras, and menstruation.
4. They are old enough to use nasty language and be disgusting, but are young enough to still like Hannah Montana. And High School Musical. Aaaaand the Jonas Brothers. (gag)
5. It is imperative that they begin wearing deodorant. Soon.
Posted by
Heather Bay
2:33 AM